Sunday, May 24, 2009

F is for...

...feedings and formula and fussiness, but we hope that picking a name for your new baby is not much of a fuss. We're a day late with Baby Name Tuesday this week as the holiday weekend has me all screwed up on which day is which this week. In any case, today's letter is F, and our names for today are Faith and Finn.

Faith finds its origins in Middle English and means "loyalty" and "belief". It is what is commonly referred to as a "virtue name". Virtue names originated with the Puritans and included popular names like Grace and Hope, but also included less popular names such as Fear or Disobedience. Imagine having to grow up with a name like that! We think that Faith is a beautiful name, though. Perhaps you had difficulty conceiving but strongly believed that you were destined to be blessed with a child? In that case, Faith may just be the right name for your sweet miracle.

Finn is of Irish, Gaelic and Old German origins and means "fair" or "from Finland"; just the perfect name if you're looking to honor your Finnish ancestory! In Irish history, Finn MacCumhail was a legendary third century hero that could be compared to the English Robin Hood. His warrior followers were called Finnians. Whether your little guy turns out to be a legendary hero or not, we're sure that the name Finn will serve him well.

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